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# Extract PixelJunk Shooter Data
# Adrian Dale 30/05/2015
# quickbms.exe shooter.pkiwin output
open FDDE "pkiwin" 0
open FDDE "pkdwin" 1
get DUMMY long 0
get DUMMY long 0
get FILECOUNT long 0
get DUMMY long 0
ComType zlib
for i = 1 <= FILECOUNT
get SIZE long 0
get OFFSET long 0
get CRC1 long 0
get CRC2 long 0
clog "" OFFSET SIZE 10000000 1
next i
Unfortunately the file names are not contained inside the archive, so the code uses QuickBMS' auto-extension name feature and incrementing index to name the files. Thank you to Luigi for suggesting that change to my script.
Despite being quite old, PJS is an interesting game to explore. Notably, a large number of the extracted files are commented source code files in what I believe is GameMonkey Script.
Also of interest are the .xml files, which are actually .svg vector format files and viewable in a tool like Inkscape. The other easily recognisable files are .dds graphics files, .wav sound files and .ogg music files.
I suspect you would be unable to mod this game without further detective work. I think that the fields in the archive that I have labelled CRC1 and CRC2 might need to be recalculated if you want to make any changes.
Edited 30/05/15 to add improvement to the script. Adrian