[PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:16 pm

[PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Post by Delacroix »

... and yet another visual novel that I could use some .bms for. Archive linked below.


Thanks in advance for any assistance you may come up with. You guys are golden.
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Re: [PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Post by aluigi »

Posts: 65
Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:16 pm

Re: [PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Post by Delacroix »

Thanks for this!

However, it seems that I'll have more Yakata goodness for you to take a look at:

bsxx.dat - dunno, maybe text is stored there?
bg01001ab.bsg - possible graphics.
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Re: [PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Post by crimsonwolf8439 »

Hello, first post here, don't know if necroing old threads is not allowed. But anyways, I tried using the yakata script on Graphics.bsa from 毎日けだものっ!! らぶえろ☆ももいろ☆すくーるらいふ♪ but I encountered the "incomplete input file" error. I'll just copy paste my error here.

offset filesize filename
Error: incomplete input file 0: C:\redactedinfo\Graphics.bsa
Can't read 1 bytes from offset 0d4681e9.
Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

coverage file 0 0% 28 215967539 . offset 0d4681e9

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
18 get NAME string

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Thank you for your help!
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Re: [PC] [BISHOP] Yakata [.bsa]

Post by aluigi »

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