Culdcept revolt-3ds, subfiles compression type?

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Culdcept revolt-3ds, subfiles compression type?

Post by funion_Ring »

it's a flat container start with a 5300 bytes pointer list and followed by the data section.!zNYHjCIC!PX4IRb3xdQJN ... qgFo7bClBo

have no idea what compression type it has with those different headers...
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Re: Culdcept revolt-3ds, subfiles compression type?

Post by aluigi »

Honestly I don't know if each file is compressed because the one at offset 0x0ed0dec is clearly non-compressed.
Maybe each file has a sort of header but the situation seems very confused there, probably there is an index file with names and other information.
In the meantime let's extract the data:

Code: Select all

get FILES long
math FILES / 8
goto 0
for i = 0 < FILES
    get OFFSET long
    get SIZE long
    log "" OFFSET SIZE
next i