Sorry for yet another gimmescript post. And yet again, I'm trying to get models/textures/animations.
The disc structure is as follows (Note CVS dirs, homebutton layers and other garbage files are omitted):
- movie [DIR]
stream [DIR]
As you all can see, it's pretty descriptive and strightforward.
I grabt data.bin into HxD and it's FBND/0 encrypted.
Managed to perform extraction with
Dump final size it's 370MB vs. 642MB original compressed file, though (no duplicates or such).
Correct me if I'm wrong but that's no possible.
The resulting extracted files are all common Wii formats, with avaliable tools for viewing/edition.
All of the dump files consist in 2D images such as textures, static & animated GUIs (TPL,brlan,brlyt formats).
I'm sure this BIN contains also the meshes for players, bass fish, areas, etc. and their respective
animations and vertex morphs. It also sound reasonable to me, size concerning, that these are the bulk-assets
being ignored by the avaliable script.
Also, I'm 99% sure this data is also in brres common format.
May I ask for script "fix"? (Thanks a lot for the existing one, really appreciate it)
I'm trying experimenting getdstring DUMMY & math XLIMIT different values without success.
Getting this (mainly bass animated skinned models) would be a dream(cast) made true which dates since year 2000.
My grattitude to you all in advance.