EA Skate 1, 2, 3Platform: XBOX 360
File type: .MUS, .ABK and .SNS Audio Containers
Type: Extractor / Converter
Info: These are tools put together by files, scripts, tools I have found around on the internet and made automated with batch files.
Version 1.0:Proper Support for only 1 .MUS file from Skate 3.
Update 1.3: Added Full support for all .MUS files from Skate 1,2 and 3.
Added support for ABK files from Skate 1,2 and 3.
Added support for the majority of SNS files from Skate 1,2 and 3.
Was made possible by:Halley's Comet Software
and Me (GHFear)
Thank you!If I forgot someone, please tell me.
Download link: https://mega.nz/#!f9YGRSiJ!AeYTy_V1qv-pcVWySrGHGsnGVbVfiwYLrPxaFmZHjoMFor legal reasons, Halley's Comet Software, aluigi and AlphaTwentyThree was in NO WAY involved in the process of actually extracting the EA games intellectual property.
I used their work to make it possible.