access denied error?

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access denied error?

Post by trainer00002 »

specifically, trying to get anything out of my steam games gives me an access denied error. i used task manager to shut down steam & all its background processes, tried running quickbms as an admin, nothing works (the latter ended up with the program not even giving me an error message, it basically just stopped working).

it isn't just quickbms i have this problem with, if i try to use other programs to get files out of my steam games it never works. doesn't matter which game i TRY, either, but the one i currently WANT to root around in is danganronpa v3: killing harmony.

i have 1bitheart downloaded on steam as well, and tried to get stuff out of its .wolf file (using a different program than quickbms), which didn't work. i went to the original site, downloaded it THERE, and was able to get the files out of THAT .wolf file perfectly fine- same went for the other games i had that i could try that with, so i can only assume it's steam itself blocking me out. is there an easier way of getting around steam than having to go find the files online first? it was easy enough to do with games that were free to begin with and thus not difficult to find, but again, it doesn't actually fix the problem and the more obscure the game is the less likely it is i'll be able to find its files somewhere...

if this is a super easy thing to fix i'm sorry, and also sorry if i put this in the wrong place? my tech savviness is more in the digital art and html coding range than... the other kinds of coding... and here i realize i should probably also mention the stuff i want to get are the sound/image/movie/models and stuff, not so much the stuff that makes the game itself work, if that's of any relevance. ANYWAY the point is i don't really know what i'm doing and i'd really like to get my hands on stuff that steam won't let me get at, please help meee
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Re: access denied error?

Post by aluigi »

"access denied" means that you are trying to write files in a directory in which you have no write permissions.

Set a different output folder or run quickbms as administrator.