Disney Infinity 1.0 (PC) - Replacing files in FSB?

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Disney Infinity 1.0 (PC) - Replacing files in FSB?

Post by frogz2007 »

I wanted to swap out a sound effect in DI 1.0 with one of my choosing, but I can't figure out how to use fsbext to do this. Any tips? It extracts the files fine, but repacking them is another thing. maybe I'm doing it wrong
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Re: Disney Infinity 1.0 (PC) - Replacing files in FSB?

Post by frogz2007 »

Fixed it! I guess I was doing it wrong. For reference (run these from cmd) :

fsbext.exe -d newdir -s files.dat input.fsb (in my case it was mu_campus_se.fsb)

This will dump the files into the "newdir" directory and also create a "files.dat" file

Find the mp3 you want to replace. In my case, it was "boombox_loop.mp3". Then, import that into Audacity and trim your audio so it matches the length. Then export your trimmed track as an mp3 at 96kbps, force mono.

Then reinject:

fsbext.exe -d newdir -s files.dat -r new.fsb

Then just rename the fsb to the original one's name, drag it into the directory it originated from, and voila :) That should work! Obviously back up the original in case anything goes bad!
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Re: Disney Infinity 1.0 (PC) - Replacing files in FSB?

Post by aluigi »

Depending by the platform and FSB version I guess you can even use original FMOD Soundbank software.
Just in case