ISO9660 script attempt

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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ISO9660 script attempt

Post by AnonBaiter »


Code: Select all

math mode = 0
math log_number = 0

get cd_01 long
get cd_02 long
get cd_03 long
get cd_04 long
if cd_01 != 0xffffff00
if cd_02 != 0xffffffff
if cd_03 != 0x00ffffff
if cd_04 == 0x01000200
   math mode = 1
elif cd_04 == 0x02000200
   math mode = 2
goto 0

math current_offset = 0
math offset_limit = 0xca20
math log_number = -1
callfunction parse_cdxa 1

goto 0x8000 MEMORY_FILE
get type byte MEMORY_FILE
getdstring id 5 MEMORY_FILE
get version byte MEMORY_FILE
get unused1 byte MEMORY_FILE
getdstring system_id 32 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring volume_id 32 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring unused2 8 MEMORY_FILE
get volume_space_size_01 long MEMORY_FILE
get volume_space_size_02 long MEMORY_FILE
getdstring unused3 32 MEMORY_FILE
get volume_set_size_01 short MEMORY_FILE
get volume_set_size_02 short MEMORY_FILE
get volume_sequence_number_01 short MEMORY_FILE
get volume_sequence_number_02 short MEMORY_FILE
get logical_block_size_01 short MEMORY_FILE
get logical_block_size_02 short MEMORY_FILE
get path_table_size_01 long MEMORY_FILE
get path_table_size_02 long MEMORY_FILE
get type_l_path_table long MEMORY_FILE
get opt_type_l_path_table long MEMORY_FILE
get type_m_path_table long MEMORY_FILE
get opt_type_m_path_table long MEMORY_FILE
getdstring root_directory_record 34 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring volume_set_id 128 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring publisher_id 128 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring preparer_id 128 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring application_id 128 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring copyright_file_id 37 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring abstract_file_id 37 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring bibliographic_file_id 37 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring creation_date 17 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring modification_date 17 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring expiration_date 17 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring effective_date 17 MEMORY_FILE
get file_structure_version byte MEMORY_FILE
get unused4 byte MEMORY_FILE
getdstring application_data 512 MEMORY_FILE
getdstring unused5 653 MEMORY_FILE

math type_l_path_table << 11
goto type_l_path_table MEMORY_FILE

log MEMORY_FILE2 0 0
math log_number = -2
for pt = 0
   math pad_01 = 0
   get directory_name_size byte MEMORY_FILE
   if directory_name_size = 0
   get current_directory_number byte MEMORY_FILE
   get directory_offset long MEMORY_FILE
   get directory_record short MEMORY_FILE
   getdstring directory_name_string directory_name_size MEMORY_FILE
   putarray 2 0 ""
   putarray 2 directory_record directory_name_string
   xmath directory_extra_number "directory_record + 1"
   putarray 2 directory_extra_number ""
   putarray 1 256 directory_extra_number
   get padding_byte byte MEMORY_FILE
   if padding_byte != 0
      goto -1 MEMORY_FILE SEEK_CUR
   savepos pt_pos MEMORY_FILE
   if mode = 1
      math pad_01 + 0x1a
   elif mode = 2
      math pad_01 + 0x22
   xmath tentative_offset "(directory_offset * 0x930) + pad_01"
   goto tentative_offset
   get directory_info_size long
   xmath current_offset "directory_offset * 0x930"
   xmath offset_limit "((directory_info_size >> 11) * 0x930) + current_offset"
   callfunction parse_cdxa 1
   savepos directory_offset_within_logged_memory MEMORY_FILE2
   math directory_offset_within_logged_memory - directory_info_size
   goto directory_offset_within_logged_memory MEMORY_FILE2
   for d = 0
      get number_of_bytes_in_record byte MEMORY_FILE2
      if number_of_bytes_in_record == 0
      get number_of_sectors_in_extended_attribute_record byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_sector_in_disc_01 long MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_sector_in_disc_02 long MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_size_in_disc_01 long MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_size_in_disc_02 long MEMORY_FILE2
      get year_since_1900 byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get month byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get day byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get hour byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get minute byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get second byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get greenwich_time_offset byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_flags byte MEMORY_FILE2
      xmath entry_is_hidden_somewhere "entry_flags & 1"
      putarray 8 8 entry_is_hidden_somewhere
      xmath actual_entry_type "(entry_flags >> 1) & 1"
      putarray 8 8 actual_entry_type
      xmath entry_is_associated_with_something "(entry_flags >> 2) & 1"
      putarray 8 8 entry_is_associated_with_something
      xmath extra_attribute_info_from_entry "(entry_flags >> 3) & 1"
      putarray 8 8 extra_attribute_info_from_entry
      xmath only_mods_can_assess_this_entry "(entry_flags >> 4) & 1"
      putarray 8 8 only_mods_can_assess_this_entry
      xmath reserved_flags "(entry_flags >> 5) & 2"
      putarray 8 8 reserved_flags
      xmath record_does_not_end_with_this_entry "(entry_flags >> 7) & 1"
      putarray 8 8 record_does_not_end_with_this_entry
      get file_unit_size byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get file_interleave_gap byte MEMORY_FILE2
      get volume_sequence_number_01 short MEMORY_FILE2
      get volume_sequence_number_02 short MEMORY_FILE2
      get entry_name_size byte MEMORY_FILE2
      getdstring entry_name_string entry_name_size MEMORY_FILE2
      getarray directory_name_entries 1 256
      if actual_entry_type == 0
         set full_entry_name string ""
         for n = 0 <= directory_name_entries
            if n == directory_name_entries
               string name_string = entry_name_string
               putarray 2 n name_string
               getarray name_string 2 n
            if n >= 1
               string full_entry_name + "\"
               string full_entry_name + name_string
         next n
         putarray 0 0 full_entry_name
      get padding_byte byte MEMORY_FILE2
      if padding_byte = 0
         # do nothing
      elif padding_byte = 1
         get extra_byte byte MEMORY_FILE2
         goto -1 MEMORY_FILE2 SEEK_CUR
      if system_id = "PLAYSTATION                     "
         getdstring ps1_extra_bytes_01 3 MEMORY_FILE2
         get is_cdda byte MEMORY_FILE2
         if is_cdda != 0
            goto -1 MEMORY_FILE2 SEEK_CUR
         get uxa_sign long MEMORY_FILE2
         get is_cdxa byte MEMORY_FILE2
         getdstring ps1_extra_bytes_02 5 MEMORY_FILE2
   next d
   goto pt_pos MEMORY_FILE
next pt

startfunction parse_cdxa
   goto current_offset
   for OFFSET = current_offset u< offset_limit
      math dummy_data = 0
      idstring "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00"
      for address = 1 <= 3
         get address_value byte
      next address
      get cd_mode byte
      if cd_mode == 1
         savepos OFFSET
         callfunction log_chunk 1
         math OFFSET + 0x920
      elif cd_mode == 2
         for subheader = 1 <= 2
            for info = 1 <= 4
               get info_value byte
               if info = 1
                  math file_number == info_value
                  putarray 1 0 file_number
               elif info = 2
                  math channel_number == info_value
                  putarray 2 0 channel_number
               elif info = 3
                  math submode == info_value
                  xmath submode_end_of_file "(submode >> 7) & 1"
                  xmath submode_real_time_sector "(submode >> 6) & 1"
                  xmath submode_form "(submode >> 5) & 1"
                  xmath submode_trigger "(submode >> 4) & 1"
                  xmath submode_data "(submode >> 3) & 1"
                  xmath submode_audio "(submode >> 2) & 1"
                  xmath submode_video "(submode >> 1) & 1"
                  xmath submode_end_of_record "submode & 1"
                  putarray 3 0 submode_end_of_file
                  putarray 4 0 submode_real_time_sector
                  putarray 5 0 submode_form
                  putarray 6 0 submode_trigger
                  putarray 7 0 submode_data
                  putarray 8 0 submode_audio
                  putarray 9 0 submode_video
                  putarray 10 0 submode_end_of_record
               elif info = 4
                  math coding_info == info_value
                  if submode_data = 1
                     math reserved = coding_info
                     putarray 11 0 reserved
                  if submode_audio = 1
                     xmath reserved "(coding_info >> 7) & 1"
                     xmath emphasis "(coding_info >> 6) & 1"
                     xmath number_of_bits_per_sample "(coding_info >> 5) & 3"
                     xmath sampling_frequency "(coding_info >> 3) & 3"
                     xmath mono_stereo "(coding_info >> 1) & 3"
                     putarray 11 0 reserved
                     putarray 12 0 emphasis
                     putarray 13 0 number_of_bits_per_sample
                     putarray 14 0 sampling_frequency
                     putarray 15 0 mono_stereo
                  if submode_video = 1
                     xmath application_specific_coding_flag "(coding_info >> 7) & 1"
                     xmath even_odd_lines_flag "(coding_info >> 6) & 1"
                     xmath resolution "(coding_info >> 5) & 3"
                     xmath coding "(coding_info >> 3) & 15"
                     putarray 11 0 application_specific_coding_flag
                     putarray 12 0 even_odd_lines_flag
                     putarray 13 0 resolution
                     putarray 14 0 coding
            next info
         next subheader
         savepos OFFSET
         get chunk_sign long
         callfunction log_chunk 1
         math OFFSET + 0x918
      goto OFFSET

startfunction log_chunk
    if log_number = -1
      log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET 0x800
   elif log_number = -2
      log MEMORY_FILE2 OFFSET 0x800
   elif log_number = -3
      log MEMORY_FILE3 OFFSET 0x800
i need some help
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Re: ISO9660 script attempt

Post by aluigi »

Don't do it... it's a waste of time.
I already tried it some years ago and it was painful because ISO9660 has many different extensions that make it complicated to write a good parser compatible with all of them.
I still have the code here, less than 100 lines.

Anyway, long story short, don't do it :)
Posts: 561
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Re: ISO9660 script attempt

Post by Delutto »

Some while ago I tried make a tool to get specific files from a http hosted ISO, the idea was download only the TOC and parse it, and then with the filenames, offsets and sizes infos, download only the files I wanted. I give up, there's so many type/versions and even so many conflitant documentations that it becomes a hell work...
Posts: 1125
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:35 am

Re: ISO9660 script attempt

Post by AnonBaiter »

well it's not like i'm going to give up on that filesystem right now though
but i get what you mean, the whole thing is a baroque mess