50$ Allods Online pack.bin

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50$ Allods Online pack.bin

Post by puzatin »

i need unpack and repack pack.bin

Game Allods Online. All that is from the additional information:

zlib packed

pack.bin contains information about forms, game mechanics tables, texture information, and maybe something else. The format has not yet been described.

In turn, * .XDB files are encoded in the pack.bin file.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Yc1i ... 7ISHo8fq6Q

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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:11 pm

Re: 50$ Allods Online pack.bin

Post by LokiReborn »

puzatin wrote:i need unpack and repack pack.bin

Game Allods Online. All that is from the additional information:

zlib packed

pack.bin contains information about forms, game mechanics tables, texture information, and maybe something else. The format has not yet been described.

In turn, * .XDB files are encoded in the pack.bin file.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Yc1i ... 7ISHo8fq6Q


I think you could probably extract some information from this without analyzing the game exe however usually in order to repack you need to understand why everything is exactly as it is and understand every value or a minimum what acceptable values can be reused. One example I saw looking at this quick is what denotes the padding length, I couldn't find anything apparent to say after the DataTable used entries before the StringTable entires in a segment block what fixed width should be.

The basic structure at least at the start of the file is

Segment ID
Segment Length
Data Block Size
Number of Elements

After that you have the Data Index information followed by some padding then the data

The structure may vary between the different segment IDs but if you're still interested in the request could probably write something in a few days.