Reimport Error After 0.9.2 Update

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Reimport Error After 0.9.2 Update

Post by roswell108 »

I came from 0.9.0 and was extracting the files from the Taiwanese version of Black Desert Mobile. I use quickbms to extract the paz files and then process them through other tools to translate the text. Everything was working and the reimport output would look something like

Code: Select all

- compressed size too big, I try using the zopfli method (may be slow)
< 00000050 1599185    res/stringtable/loc/tw/languagedata_tw.loc

I recently updated to 0.9.2 and now it will no longer pack the same files (both the previous copies and newly extracted versions) with the message

Code: Select all

- compressed size too big, I try using the zopfli method (may be slow)

Error: unsupported compression -1 in reimport mode

Typically, this would be the error I encountered if the files being packed back into the paz file were too large. I would question that, except all of the files are identical to the previously working copies and only the quickbms has changed.

Is there a new format for selecting the compression that I missed and how would I go about figuring out which one was previously used, since only the first attempt lists a method name?
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Re: Reimport Error After 0.9.2 Update

Post by aluigi »

Yes, definitely a bug.
It's really strange because I remember to have checked this specific situation but probably I did some mess :D
Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Reimport Error After 0.9.2 Update

Post by aluigi »

I'm not able to replicate the issue at the moment.
Can you provide the archive that is giving the problem and the file you try to reimport?