[ REQUEST ] Avengers: Battle For Earth .XPR XBOX 360 script update;

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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[ REQUEST ] Avengers: Battle For Earth .XPR XBOX 360 script update;

Post by Ecelon »

Hey guys, I was hoping someone would be able to update the .XPR( SMX7 ) Quickbms script to include the XBOX 360 version. The original script was created for the WiiU version( viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5139&hilit=xpr+avengers ). With the 360 extractions, files extract partially complete and are unusable. I've uploaded 2 360 .XPR files and the original script, too make things easier and more efficient. They can be found at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l1BwmheEWvrdgpHQW0PtkW1uDr5XxGU8. Thanks for taking the time to look into this, if anyone does.

Regards, Ecelon
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Re: [ REQUEST ] Avengers: Battle For Earth .XPR XBOX 360 script update;

Post by aluigi »

What's the exact problem?
Here everything extracted correctly (99%).

Regarding the content, I noticed that the bmp are without the header, nif are probably obfuscated and the other files are a mess too.
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Re: [ REQUEST ] Avengers: Battle For Earth .XPR XBOX 360 script update;

Post by Ecelon »

Thanks for taking a look Aluigi. When I've extracted the files, the BMP's have had a file size of 52 bytes, instead of there proper file size, and a .DAT file is created with a large file size, which is why I assumed the error was due to the script. I've uploaded the extracted files to https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l1Bwm ... 1uDr5XxGU8 ( Avengers_-_Battle_For_Earth.zip ) in case you wanted to double check. However, if the files extract properly on your side, then chances are it's my laptop.

Thanks again mate;