Star Wars Battlefront (2004) - AUdio/Ambience Streams

Codecs, formats, encoding/decoding of game audio, video and music
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Star Wars Battlefront (2004) - AUdio/Ambience Streams

Post by ggctuk »

I'm trying to extract the audio from either the PS2 version of Star Wars: Battlefront (the ambience and music streams). I've used a tool to split the LVL files into chunks but I've hit a snag at this point, as I can't extract the audio cleanly from these dumped chunks.

I have attached four chunks from bes.lvl, which contain the music and ambience streams respectively: two from the PS2 version and two from the PC:

PC files:!xEpilARa!A0SL49xjIB7R ... JHvMYdffJU!tQpCkIzZ!egaQYrvHvKW2 ... m-sXwaGhvs

PS2 files:!EQpShaDZ!ILjuYKiX8HPX ... 4GOEthRjC0!RcxyBaYB!C8fvqDQSL2nM ... y91KHT3HqA

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront (2004) - AUdio/Ambience Streams

Post by Savage »

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront (2004) - AUdio/Ambience Streams

Post by ggctuk »

Those aren't relevant to my question.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront (2004) - AUdio/Ambience Streams

Post by Allanmaster »

I've only been able to extract the sounds from PS2 (music and ambience included). Works for SWBFII PS2 aswell.

Firstly, download VGMToolbox, open it and then:
Misc.Tools --> Extraction Tools --> Streams --> Sony ADPCM Extractor, and drag a LVL file (from the sounds folder) and wait (if it's a big file, can take some few minutes to complete).

After that's completed (the green bar will fill up), a folder will appear from where you dragged your lvl file (_sony_adpcm_ext), with .bin files.
Now you can either use the VGMToolbox to turn them to GENH (Generic header) files or use MFAudio to convert them into Wav files.

Now the info you need (to either convert with MFAudio or VGMToolbox): They files are 16bit, all files should have 4000 bytes of interleave (apart from VO's and the like, as they are mono), frequency vary between files (music/ambience should be 44100 or 48000, VO 22050). To test the files, I recommend MFAudio instead of VGMToolbox as it has an intergrated audio player.

Hope this helps. If you have found a way to extract the music/sounds from the PC version of SWBFI/II succesfully, please share. Also share if you know where to locate the namefiles for each track, as my only source is from the SWBFII mod tools.

PS: I have done this process with one of your PS2 chunks, and the result is the same (albeit with less audio tracks than doing the whole LVL file), so if you don't have the lvl files, you can always use those chunks if you still have them.