Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by Dimbreath »

The game seems to be using propietary engine, some assets are unpacked on the game folder already but the others are still packed and can't be open through conventional methods. The few unpacked files were .bank files which I was able to successfully get the audio from and some .mp4 files, however I can't seem to find a way to open these .pack files, which you might need the .idxz files too.

I've attached two zips with two different file bundle? (.data and .idxz).

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TVxCHUe4lNmaUiFgVDr2B902tONbhWBl - data_lc_en ~ 1KB (somehow)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VdUl1OxmgurwXMLGL2FE9FaaaCEyEUKp - data ~ 900MB

Hope anyone can look into it.
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by aluigi »

It's a very strange format. The idxz file has offsets not matching those of the pack archive so I had to use other solutions.
It works but you will get many duplicates, it's up to you if you want to overwrite the existent files ('a') or rename them ('r').
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by Dimbreath »

Interesting, it's weird that there are duplicates. Thanks!
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by Dimbreath »

There was a file update that seems to have broken the script, it manages to extract one asset before throwing an error on the line 91.

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
- enter in folder C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\
  coverage file 0     0%   0          1090784928 . offset 00000000
- open input file C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData\data.idxz
- enter in folder C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData
- open input file C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData\data.idx
- enter in folder C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData
- open input file C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData\data.pack
offset 0x004f572a is invalid
  07a76efb 20702      shop/shop_product_ma_runeice2_b.png

Error: incomplete input file 0: C:\Users\Dimbreath\Desktop\EpicSevenData\data.pack
       Can't read 4 bytes from offset 65742f66.
       Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
       to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
       or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
       Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

  coverage file 0     0%   20803      1090784928 . offset 65742f66

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
  91  get XSIZE long

I've reattached both files for the data file here:

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MR6SYJOLLZKfQCYo40pT6NaPWlfVOg9f (data.idxz)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=16tMXpw08t3BHS-koaVH3AZqjOoeKhbzJ (data.pack)

If you need the other two files to compare let me know.

EDIT: A bit out of the extraction topic, but might have any idea what the scsp and sct files could be?
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by aluigi »

Eh no, I can't help.
The key is the same but there is something weird in the information.
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by Bazoom09 »

Probably shouldn't have brought back a 4 month old thread, but I was curious to know if a method has been discovered to resolve the above issue?
I imagine it's not as simple as
"Can't read this offset so let's skip it and try the next"
"Can't read this offset so let's try reading it in a different method"

I looked into the script (thought I don't really understand code) and noticed the comments saying that's it's "Experimental" and that the idxz file is useless. Maybe that's for something entirely different since the games engine seems to be unique.
But the one that caught my attention was the comment saying "# one offset points to invalid data, no idea how to skip it"

So I was just curious if something was added for this. Though I'm not sure if the offset points issue is related to being unable to read a few bytes from a certain offset.
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Re: Epic Seven .pack and .idxz files

Post by devilkkw »

currently version have no file.idx, but have new folder named "data.indices" with some pigz file. it seem encripted,like all db file thath need chyper key. need more inspection.
Screep work same as past, break after some extraction.