Assassin’s Creed Odyssey .forge and .dat file extraction

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey .forge and .dat file extraction

Post by Lakress »

Hello everyone,

so I wondered if any of you made progress in extracting and opening AC: Odyssey game files (.forge)?
Thus far I was able to use aluigis Assassins Creed Raw Script, but all I get is .dat files of various size. A quick look inside one of these files (...\DataPC_ACD_Greece\1.dat) revealed that stored within are probably various kinds of files, such as (in the case of 1.dat), sound files (like: Greece_RFXSoundInstance_Arid_Tree_Birds_Day_Group1 or SND_ACD_Greece_RFXSoundInstance_Arid_Mountain_Bird_SakerFalcon) and the in-game location (like Argolis_PromontoryOfSkylla or Megaris_Fort_PortOfNisaia).

I myself are more interested in the 3D models. They seem to be stored inside this folder (\DataPC_ACD_Greece\) as well, like 140683.dat where I could make out [i]ACD_STA_SPC_GiantTityos2_ACD_STA_SPC_GaintTityos_body_C_NormalMap_TopMip_0

The problem now is that i have no idea how to open those .dat files or rather extract their content and searching the web did not turn out very fruitful.
ARchive_neXt does not help since it was not updated since a while so it does not support the new AC games.

So does anyone here have any suggestion as to how the content of these .dat files could be accessed?

Many thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun May 27, 2018 8:47 pm

Re: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey .forge and .dat file extraction

Post by pauloegidio »

Until now, as far as I know, there's no way of extracting .forge files from ac origins and c odyssey.
It seems that they are using a different kind of compression and the current extractors does not work.

Unless I'm outdated...

Best regards