Console bms script

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Console bms script

Post by chrrox »

What is the stance for decryption of console games?
Would the bms script need to have console keys in a separate download or would they be ok to include? Mabee compress then with zlib first? Or just encode b64 ?
Just worried about legal stance.
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Re: Console bms script

Post by aluigi »

If you are worried about these things you can just take advantage of the "versatility" of the script.

A separate download with the keys posted on pastebin is a possible option.

The usage of "compressed MEMORY_FILE" ( works at some level too since the keys can't be indexed on search engines.

There is even an interesting alternative like encrypting the file with the keys using rc4 (non-block-cipher, even a simple xor if you prefer) and your own key and then prompting the user to insert the correct key for going forward. No key, no extraction :)
It would be up to you to decide how distributing the key and where (a comment in the script?).