I doubt the crash is caused by the properties used by quickbms for better compressing the data (necessary for the original reimport mode), because the compression is just that one and the only difference is a setting supported by the algorithm itself.
This is what quickbms uses for the settings, in lzma_set_properties() in unz.c:
Code: Select all
props->level = 9; /* 0 <= level <= 9 */
props->dictSize = 1<<dictsz; /* (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 27) for 32-bit version
(1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 30) for 64-bit version
default = (1 << 24) */
// xz wants lc+lp <= 4
//props->lc = 1; /* 0 <= lc <= 8, default = 3 */
//props->lp = 3; /* 0 <= lp <= 4, default = 0 */
props->lc = 8; /* 0 <= lc <= 8, default = 3 */
props->lp = 4; /* 0 <= lp <= 4, default = 0 */
props->pb = 0; /* yeah 0!*/ /* 0 <= pb <= 4, default = 2 */
//props->algo = 1; /* 0 - fast, 1 - normal, default = 1 */
props->fb = 273; /* 5 <= fb <= 273, default = 32 */
//props->btMode = 1; /* 0 - hashChain Mode, 1 - binTree mode - normal, default = 1 */
props->numHashBytes = 4; /* 2, 3 or 4, default = 4 */
//props->mc = (1 << 30); /* 1 <= mc <= (1 << 30), default = 32 */
If I remember correctly the "pb" field set to zero provided better results during my tests and it's the one that probably resulting in 0x5d->0x2c (which is NOT a constant magic, it's a set of flags).
Some info about these fields:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/305 ... gs-details