UModel can't export and convert the audio files automatically, but it can save them in .uexp+.ubulk format. That's not playable normally.
The fabulous bnnm over at recently developed a decoder for the UE4OPUS format and included it in his software, vgmstream. It can convert .ue4opus to .wav.
To obtain a supported .ue4opus file from the .uexp+.ubulk files saved by UModel, you need to use a certain script also developed by bnnm.
Visit to grab the .bms script. You can apply it to .uexp+.ubulk using QuickBMS to get a .ue4opus file that you can convert with vgmstream to .wav.
I've created a zip of the required files to do the conversion,
Blenux Mega Download Link
Brief How To:
Save Opus sound uasset with uModel (or QuickBMS should work also).
Open QuickBMS with
Select ubulk of saved Opus sound
Place ue4opus onto test in vgmstream folder
You now have the wav version of that file.