Unity Studio

Do you know a tool, link or website for working on a specific game files or to help game research? Let's collect them here!
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Unity Studio

Post by Chipicao »

Unity Studio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets from Unity games and apps.

It is the continuation of my Unity Importer script for 3ds Max, and comprises all my research and reverse engineering of Unity file formats. It has been thoroughly tested with Unity builds from most platforms, ranging from Web, PC, Linux, MacOS to Xbox360, PS3, Android and iOS, and it is currently maintained to be compatible with Unity builds from 2.5.0 up to the latest version.

Download: app.box.com/UnityStudio
GitHub: https://github.com/RaduMC/UnityStudio

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Current features:
  • Export to FBX, with complete hierarchy, transformations, materials and textures
    Geometry is exported with normals, tangents, UV coordinates, vertex colors and deformers.
    Skeleton nodes can be exported either as bones or dummy deformers.
  • Extraction of assets that can be used as standalone resources:
    • Textures: DDS (Alpha8bpp, ARGB16bpp, RGB24bpp, ARGB32bpp, BGRA32bpp, RGB565, DXT1, DXT5, RGBA16bpp)
    • Audio clips: mp3, ogg, wav, xbox wav (including streams from .resS files)
    • Fonts: ttf, otf
    • Text Assets
    • Shaders
  • Real-time preview window for the above-mentioned assets
  • Diagnostics mode with useful tools for research

UI guide:
Most elements have tooltips or are self-explanatory.
  • File -> Load file/folder will open Assetfiles and load their assets
  • Load file can also decompress and load bundle files straight into memory
  • File -> Extract bundle/folder can extract Assetfiles from bundle files compressed with lzma or l4z
  • Scene Hierarchy search box - search nodes using * and ? wildcards; press Enter to loop through results or Ctrl+Enter to select all matching nodes
  • Asset List filter box - enter a keyword to filter the list of available assets; wildcards are added automatically
  • Diagnostics - press Ctrl+Alt+D to bring up a hidden menu and a new list
  • Bulid class structures will create human-readable structures for each type of Unity asset; available only in Web builds!

- How can I view the 3D models?
- Export the models you want to FBX and load the file in any compatible app. Examples: 3ds Max, Maya, FBX Review

- Why can't I preview PVR textures? How do I open these?
- PVR is an image format specific to mobile platforms. These cannot be previewed at the moment, you need to extract and use PVRTexTool to open them

- I loaded a game but I can't find all 3D models and assets. Is there something wrong?
- Some games, particularly on mobile platforms, will download additional files after they are installed. You'll need those files in order to access all assets.

- How do I get mobile and Web games on my PC? Where do I find the additional files downloaded by a game?
- Read my downloading guide available here: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=11154

- What are all these file types and how do I open each one?
- Here's a quick summary of unity file types:
  1. Bundles - packages with one or more files inside, compressed or not
    - extensions: .unity3d, .assetbundle, .bundle, .bytes
    - usually found in web apps or downloadable content
    - they contain the actual asset files
    - can be extracted with Extract bundle/folder options from Unity Studio, or with quickbms
  2. Assetfiles - contain serialized game resources (assets)
    - filename format / extensions: maindata,"level#, *.assets, *.sharedAssets, CustomAssetBundle-*, CAB-*, BuildPlayer-*
    - these are the files that you can load/import in Unity Studio
    - you can get these files from bundles, ipa/apk mobile app packages, or directly from PC games
  3. unitypackage - asset packages exported from Unity Editor to be transfered from project to project
    - you will not find these in published games or apps
    - they are basically tar.gz archives and can be extracted if needed
    - inside you will find files named "metadata" and "asset"
    - metadata is an assetfile - same as no. 2
    - asset can be either an assetfile or a "raw" resource (eg. FBX)
Last edited by Chipicao on Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:51 am

Re: Unity Studio beta

Post by cra0 »

Looking good
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Re: Unity Studio beta

Post by AlvaroBHMT »

I registered only to tell you that I f*cking love you!

Thank you so much!
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:49 am

Re: Unity Studio beta

Post by Chipicao »

Thanks... I guess :))

I resumed work on Unity Studio a few weeks ago. The new version is now able to export 3D Objects into FBX, with complete hierarchy, transformations, and even bones or deformer dummies.
There are many more updates and improvements over the old version, plus a new Diagnostics mode which allows you to analyze the structure of unity assets.

The source is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/RaduMC/UnityStudio
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Re: Unity Studio

Post by olivierlr »

Nice work indeed!

Is there a way to know what custom Monobehaviour exist on a GameObject?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Unity Studio

Post by dwc68 »

when i try opening a .asset file, the asset list is empty and it just shows the asset file name