Unpacking error. all files unpacked are corrupted!

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Unpacking error. all files unpacked are corrupted!

Post by S_Cost »


I have successfully unpacked this pfs file. However, all the extracted files are corrupted.

Images aren't open and txt files are broken. So I suspected the original pfs, but there was no problem.

I used the norn9.bms in the unpacking procedure. Why did this happen?

Can somebody help me?? Thank you.

Link with the "root.pfs.002" file : https://mega.nz/#!LfRTQAzL!KlifE9QccbNT ... XP6hItg7j8
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Re: Unpacking error. all files unpacked are corrupted!

Post by aluigi »

It's normal because these files (norn/amnesia) are all encrypted with a 16 bytes xor password and the algorithm for generating it is unknown.
So the script "tries" to guess the password and it displays a message at the beginning of the process if that fails.
That's what happened with that archive.
The files are extracted with a zero password for further analysis in case someone is interested.