Help with reimporting alpine ski racing 2007

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Help with reimporting alpine ski racing 2007

Post by zvone »


I need help...I'm total dumb...I tried to reimport some simple .txt files to the game Alpine Ski Racing 2007...and it won't to reimport despite fact there is less text in the edited txt file than in original file...I'm using 49games script...All the time I was sure I was making some mistake until I have tried to reimport similar file in Ski Alpin 2006 (almost the same game, slightly different) and reimport was successful. But in 2007 version it doesn't want and it says this error:
Error: unsupported compression 62 in reinport mode.
Last script line before the error or that produced the error.

Please, can somebody help me? Thank you a lot.
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Re: Help with reimporting alpine ski racing 2007

Post by aluigi »

The error is caused by the compression algorithm since only the decompression is available, therefore it's not possible to recompress the files.
There is no solution.
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Re: Help with reimporting alpine ski racing 2007

Post by zvone »

Thank you a lot for your help. May I ask, if edited file has lower size why it is not possible then? Because in instructions it is said that file should be same size or lower size?

I'm confused because they same path works for Ski Alpin 2006 but not for Ski Alpin 2007? Is there reason why it is that?
Can be some other script made for Ski Alpin 2007?

Thank you so much for your help. This tool is really great and amazing. Thanks again.
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Re: Help with reimporting alpine ski racing 2007

Post by aluigi »

Technically the reimporting method works in this way:
if the file is stored in compressed form then it will be compressed back in the archive.
if the file is stored "as-is" without compression then it's just a simple copy back in the archive

The compression algorithm used in this format is available only in its decompression implementation so there is no way to compress the file back because the code is not available.

The reason why it worked with other versions of the game is simply that the files were not compressed and so no compression code was involved