I have been working on figuring out Astonia's .pak files but have not had much success. The game is now open source (see Github below). So far I have determined the following:
- It takes folders with .png files and converts them to .pak files. (Examples - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ej6O0 ... 7zRcTq5jL1)
- The code for the .pak conversion process is here (Function - gfx_make_pak - https://github.com/AstoniaDev/Astonia-3 ... moac/gfx.c)
- The app is written in C++ and uses zlib and libpng.
- I have tried accessing the files using multiple applications with no luck (MultiEx Commander, Game Extractor, etc)
I am trying to learn more about C++ to figure out a way to reverse the process but it is currently beyond what I am capable of. Does anyone have suggested guides or tutorials I can learn from? If anyone else is up to the task of deconstructing the files that would be much appreciated as well.
Someone had suggested using Offzip to open the .pak
chrrox wrote:use offzip
offzip.exe -a c:\file.pak c:\extractDir 0x0
Thanks for the suggestion. It seems to extract the correct number of files but does not get the correct data. Here is a screenshot with the extracted files (left) vs the expected output (right). Not sure what to make of this. Is it an offset issue or is there more to it?