Some funny things on Steam lobbies

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Some funny things on Steam lobbies

Post by aluigi »

I have just released a very simple tool called steamlobbylist:

It simply gets the list of available matchmaking lobbies from a specific game (or range of game appids) you specify.
For example:

Code: Select all

steamlobbylist 480                  # retrieves the lobbies used by SpaceWar (used by games in development and others)
steamlobbylist ""                   # all the games you have currently installed
steamlobbylist 400-500,4700,10-20   # range of appids

And it's funny to review the results of some games, moreover from a security point of view.

Europa Universalis IV
This recent game allows you to protect your server with a password, cool but the md5 hash of the password is posted publicly on the lobby as actual_password:

Code: Select all

lobby 109775241373644680 - 456488840 393216 8 1
  actual_password: d4ac39237b6d9d0d43bb440babb2ded3
  desc: eu4
  mod: eu4
  name: Gen. Guderian
  password: 0
  status: STARTING
  version: EU4 v1.7.0 (f2a1)

lobby 109775241376111514 - 458955674 393216 8 1
  actual_password: e0f8c553a8db4e2f8885dcc68f03c1b4
  desc: eu4
  mod: eu4
  name: SMPL
  password: 1
  status: STARTING
  version: EU4 v1.3.2 (d7f1)

lobby 109775241375808481 - 458652641 393216 8 1
  actual_password: f6f3a32927465584dbb79b42300a2f63
  desc: eu4
  mod: eu4
  name: Ikgear
  password: 0
  status: STARTING
  version: EU4 v1.6.1.0 (d00f)

Football Manager 2014
Here the password is just in clear-text:

Code: Select all

lobby 109775241375973828 - 458817988 393216 8 1
  all_selected_divisions: 755,0,0,757,0,0,765,1,0,769,1,0,771,1,0,772,0,0,776,1,0,784,0,0,788,2,0,790,0,0,791,0,0,793,0,0,796,1,0,798,0,0,799,0,0,800,0,0,1649,0,0,1651,0,0,
  name: Football Manager 2014
  name_substring_20: 1
  name_substring_201: 1
  name_substring_2014: 1
  name_substring_Fo: 1
  name_substring_Foo: 1
  name_substring_Foot: 1
  name_substring_Footb: 1
  name_substring_Footba: 1
  name_substring_Footbal: 1
  name_substring_Football: 1
  name_substring_Ma: 1
  name_substring_Man: 1
  name_substring_Mana: 1
  name_substring_Manag: 1
  name_substring_Manage: 1
  name_substring_Manager: 1
  network_version: 1401
  number_managers: 2
  num_selected_divisions: 25
  password: smile123

lobby 109775241376115600 - 458959760 393216 8 1
  all_selected_divisions: 765,0,0,776,0,0,788,0,0,796,0,0,
  name: Football Manager 2014
  password: kkk

lobby 109775241373668235 - 456512395 393216 8 1
  password: maradona

The other funny thing of this game is the name_substring_ parameter, as you can see from the first example it's splitted in multiple fields :)

Orion Dino Beatdown
Another example of clear-text password:

Code: Select all

lobby 109775241376667652 - 459511812 393216 8 1
  Abilities: ENABLED
  Credits: 0
  CurrentPlayers: 3
  difficulty: HARD
  Dinos: ENABLED
  GameType: SURVIVAL
  maxplayers: 5
  Revival: ENABLED
  ServerName: DinoDino123
  ServerPassword: colin
  Slomo: ENABLED
  Vehicles: ENABLED
  version: 17

lobby 109775241385667163 - 468511323 393216 8 1
  Abilities: ENABLED
  Credits: 1000
  CurrentPlayers: 1
  difficulty: MEDIUM
  Dinos: ENABLED
  gametype: SURVIVAL
  maxplayers: 5
  Revival: ENABLED
  ServerName: misha and nick
  ServerPassword: password
  Slomo: ENABLED
  Vehicles: ENABLED
  version: 17

Sniper Elite V2
This game instead has an interesting bug, basically the Binary Blob field is a 64 bytes buffer without final NULL delimiter and so, when added to the lobby data, it takes also the subsequent memory.
Yeah a memory disclosure vulnerability:

Code: Select all

lobby 109775241373676416 - 456520576 393216 8 1
  Attribute 0: 936
  Attribute 1: 6
  Attribute 2: 0
  Attribute 3: 12
  Attribute 4: 738715483
  Binary Blob: 19080102000000008fa75d1b758fbebf758fbebf758fbebf02642f00faffc025G›��„~����ῲÆţ¿́ȃ.š��~@~��Ø}꿍
  description: fareeis
  FreePublicSlots: 6
  hidden: 0
  HostID: 0110000109b61c85
  HostName: fareeis
  LobbyType: 0
  maxplayers: 12
  NumPlayers: 6
  Passworded: 0
  PrivateSlots: 0

lobby 109775241387321262 - 470165422 393216 8 1
  Binary Blob: 000f01056400000000000000a30d0000758fbebf758fbebf758fbebffa1f1c00*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV*,YV+,YV+,YV+,YV*,YV+,YV*,YV+,YV*,YV+,YV$k╓▼C√╓

lobby 109775241386935981 - 469780141 393216 8 1
  Binary Blob: 14080105a00f0000df68321b758fbebf758fbebf758fbebf02642f00feffc025Ω.▌=↕σ⌠>Σ─α@←ä?ë¼i┐µ₧L┐╟VE╛ä╛·sº=↕σ⌠>Σ─α@←ä?ë¼i┐µ₧L┐╟VE╛ä╛→jù=↕σ⌠>Σ─α@←ä?ë¼i┐µ₧L┐╟VE╛ä╛∩ļE↕σ

If you find other examples, feel free to post them here.
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:05 am

Re: Some funny things on Steam lobbies

Post by BenCat07 »

Sounds Funny, now lets mess with TF2

Looks Like Half-Life based things don't show lobbies :c