Old&New: MissileCommand & Just-Shapes-&-Beats

Codecs, formats, encoding/decoding of game audio, video and music
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Old&New: MissileCommand & Just-Shapes-&-Beats

Post by ThumpieBunnyEve »

`'*:-.,_,.-:*'Part 1'*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-:*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-
I've some audio files im interested in extracting, and im looking for help from you wonderful techs!

One of them is the music tracks from an old win98 pc cd of hasbros "MissileCommand" 1999
of which i cant seem to get the loops of anywhere else.

I've got the cd stored in .bin/.cue format. but they aren't just 'audio tracks on a cd redbook' sort of thing. they were digitally encoded into the game assets.

Perhaps because they are loops. though they only seem to loop 2 times before they stutter just entering the third. Its noticeable by a 10 milisecond audio-overlap affecting their timing, but im pretty sure that's just the games internal player's fault.

Im not exactly sure where to start looking for the actual audio files other then the source file itself K:\RESOURCE\MUSIC.MGF (120mb) [K: being my virtual cd drive] But I've no idea what sort of file that is. it seems to be something hasbro made for itself years ago and then went out of practice. then microsoft picked up the extension abbreviation for some ascii related purpose.

Hasbro's MissileCommand 1999, is about 450mb, and i think its abandonware now. It can be downloaded freely on a number of sites. MUSIC.MGF within the games file structure is 120mb.

Im interested in preserving these audio files in a format that encompasses without loss, their original digital value. whether that be as .wav's or .ogg's can anyone help??

`'*:-.,_,.-:*'Part 2'*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-:*:-.,_,.-:*'`'*:-.,_,.-

Recently I got the steam-game "Just Shapes & Beats" Love the chip-tunes music in it!
i saw there was a DLC tracks option, so i bought it too. but switcheroonie! that's not the games OST, its additional content for the game. and while the DLC has a cute tiny 10'th of the content as mp3 files i can move around. the actual games 40+ songs are still not in a raw .wav or .mp3 format or anything. And while i did search for an OST to the main game online, what i found had many of the games tracks missing or altered.. my favorite one for example on the supposed "ost", had something to "kk slider" from "animal crossing" loudly interrupting the techno with "weeweewawwwweeweewahhhweeweewoaahh" all through it. it was a bit infuriating. The original obviously didn't have these .............lyrics.... >_>

but getting back to the game-data rather then the -not-an-OST!-

I don't know how to get the songs out of their original in-game files..
I believe the games audio files are stored in .wav or .mp3 format,
varying according to the .manifest for each. (Some say .wav, some say .mp3)

here is their install location:
%SteamInstalLocation%\Steam\steamapps\common\Just Shapes & Beats\JSB_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\levels\
and heres some examples of what the inside of that folder looks like



[ long_live_the_new_fresh is the one that the OST messes up. ]

i believe each .manifest indicates whats in the ___extensionless___ file (Which i think is perhaps an encrypted .class java file???)

for example music_long_live_the_new_fresh.manifest when opened in notepad contains the following text.

Code: Select all

ManifestFileVersion: 0
CRC: 3152437960
    serializedVersion: 2
    Hash: 14bb2ab4b0fbead2cdd558b0f914a994
    serializedVersion: 2
    Hash: cd001990c80c415a64b7023242c2221b
HashAppended: 0
- Class: 83
  Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 114
  Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 711c14531689d8b4bb2ad44c4897db3b, type: 3}
- Class: 115
  Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Assets/JSB/Levels/MUSIC_LONG_LIVE_THE_NEW_FRESH/mus_long_live_the_new_fresh.mp3
Dependencies: []

As above, Im interested in preserving these audio files in a format that encompasses without loss, their original digital value. whether that be as .wav's or .ogg's can anyone help??


Let me know if theres something i need to upload for analysis and i will do so.
the 120mb MUSIC.MGF for missile command is rather large.
but the others for "Just-Shapes-&-Beats" range from 1.5mb to 12mb.