Shadow Warrior 2 Reimport Error

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Shadow Warrior 2 Reimport Error

Post by dragonblade903 »

Heya upon attempting to reimport the files for Shadow Warrior 2 I noticed with each file it attempts to reimport I notice it failes to reimport any of the files. I also attempted to reimport just the ui file alone due to testing my Korean changes to the Text UI. That file also fails. It seems each file that fails all have one thing in common. They all have this type of error format (please note that "userexample" is used as intended. That's not my pc's user lol). I hope updating the bms to do mass offset reimporting isn't a super huge amount of work. If you need the original scripts file untouched before extraction here is the bin file link (file was too big to upload here).

Code: Select all

 offset   filesize   filename

- signature of 4 bytes at offset 0x00000000 doesn't match the one
  expected by the script:

  this one: "#ifd"
  23 69 66 64                                       #ifd

  expected: "HOGP"
  48 4f 47 50                                       HOGP

- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
  coverage file 0     0%   4          1471       . offset 00000004
- open input file C:\Users\userexample\Desktop\Quick BMS\extracted\.\data_common\shaders\distortion.hlsl
- open script C:\Users\userexample\Desktop\Quick BMS\
- set output folder C:\Users\userexample\Desktop\Quick BMS\repacked
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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 Reimport Error

Post by aluigi »

That's because you are using it in the wrong way :)

Read section 3 of