ttarchext creates a standard non-encrypted and non-compressed archive in rebuilding mode. Basically exists ttarch1 and ttarch2 archive formats (with multiple versions of ttarch1), in ttarch2 the various ZCTT and others are only options for encryption and compression, for the game it's all the same. I doubt the game is forced to require ZCTT.
aluigi wrote:ttarchext creates a standard non-encrypted and non-compressed archive in rebuilding mode. Basically exists ttarch1 and ttarch2 archive formats (with multiple versions of ttarch1), in ttarch2 the various ZCTT and others are only options for encryption and compression, for the game it's all the same. I doubt the game is forced to require ZCTT.
GHOST DEAD wrote:in PC and Xbox and ps3, game can read files from outside,
but game will crash or has some bug in Device's Like Mobile or ios, if you want to change compression rate, so. don't change it in Mobile and ios
Thanks, I'm try ... - try this tool. Check on "Don't encrypt lua" if you don't want to encrypt scripts for iOS, select version 1 for correctly build archive and make sure that tool check radio button on ttarch2. I hope that this tool will help with compressing archives.