I'm trying to rip some textures from the game but I simply can't decrypt the aforementioned format. I've tried to figure out what information was stored in the header but I couldn't find much. The files start with the usual "RSCF" string, followed by 4 bytes for the file's size (including the header's size). I don't know what the 20 next bytes (08 to 1B) are meant to be. Then comes a string for the file's path with a filename usually ending in *.tga. I've tried to get rid of the header and then import the file into photoshop as a tga file but it didn't work. I'm not familiar with tga files at all so I don't know what to do. Can someone help me?
RSCF is one of the chunks of the archive format used by the Asura engine, try this script and let me know if you have been lucky: http://aluigi.org/bms/asura.bms
if you extract the files from your asr sample with the bms script or "AsuraEngineExtractor" attached to this post you will get tga files, viewtopic.php?p=22434#p22434 then you can open those tga files in Noesis with this python script
aluigi wrote:Why did you say that the script "didn't work" if it works perfectly?!
Well, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand I must have done something wrong the first time.
Acewell wrote:if you extract the files from your asr sample with the bms script or "AsuraEngineExtractor" attached to this post you will get tga files, http://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?p=22434#p22434 then you can open those tga files in Noesis with this python script
Thanks for the plugin. May I ask what makes these tga files different from regular tga files?