Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (PSP) - streams.res

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (PSP) - streams.res

Post by AlphaTwentyThree »

Hello there!
I've been trying to write a script for this archive, but I don't know any further. The problem is, that there are two more names than given in the TOC. (0x3d vs. 0x3f). Really hate when that happens... The problem is that I cannot link the TOC to the name section (0x1b18). Can somebody try to link this? Maybe I'm just blind...

Here is the archive:

And here is what I've written so far:

Code: Select all

idstring "res"
goto 0xc
get INFO_BIAS long
goto 0x14
get DATA_START long
goto 0x20
get INFO_OFF long
get FIELDS long
get UNK long
for i = 1 <= FIELDS
   getDstring IDENT 4
   if IDENT == "mdat"
      get UNK byte
      get OFFSET threebyte
      math OFFSET *= 0x100
      get SIZE long
      get ZERO long
      get ONE long
   elif IDENT == "musc"
      get OFFSET_INFO long
      get UNK longlong
      get SOME_OFFSET long
      savepos MYOFF
      goto OFFSET_INFO
      get BITS short
      get CH short
      get FREQ long
      get SIZE long
      get OFFSET long
      math OFFSET += DATA_START
      goto MYOFF
      getDstring UNKNOWN_DATA 0x10
next i
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Re: Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (PSP) - streams.res

Post by aluigi »

Same format of
Yeah you will get an error at the end that probably I should check but... come on 99% maybe I can ignore it because there are no other files to extract anyway :D
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Re: Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (PSP) - streams.res

Post by AlphaTwentyThree »

Ah, thanks. Unfortunately, the names are not correct: if you apply the script on the file I've uploaded, you'll get a file named "silence" that doesn't have any silence and another one, that HAS silence. So there's a small problem. Maybe that's where the error comes from?
Would be nice to check that out.
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Re: Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (PSP) - streams.res

Post by aluigi »

They are sequential names, can't do anything.