Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
Doctor Loboto
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Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by Doctor Loboto »

I've been trying this for years upon years. I desperately need means to extract the model contained within these files. All I need is simple OBJ's with UV's even. I can't figure out anything further than textures on my own. I really need help here. I've done all I can on my own.

There's two folders within. One is his human form and one is his Wolf form. I need both.
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by zheneq »

I wrote two Noesis plugins, one for pak files ("decompressed" ones are paks too, they contain the models), and one for gs (g) files (mesh, uv, skeleton, no textures, no rig).

Link below.

Doctor Loboto
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by Doctor Loboto »

Thank you so much! It really helps. I appreciate it greatly!
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by Demonslayerx8 »

Question.. can this also grab the stage/map models too? Altho I do know for a fact that those have vertex colors, but dunno if characters have them.

Can't seem to open anything, I unpacked the pack.cmp, renamed it all to model.pak/gs/g, and yet nothing want to preview in noesis, nor export

I figured it out after trial and errors.. seems like some PAK files won't even be extracted from noesis at all. As for the rigging on models, they are utterly broken
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by zheneq »

Man, I had only two files to test it on! Give me more samples and I'll try to fix it.
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by Demonslayerx8 »

Will do, I'll also send u files from Path of Radiance too, they use the same format also.

I'll DM it to ya.
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Re: Fire Emblem Wii (PLEASE HELP)

Post by zheneq »

A big update to the scripts! [gs] [pak] Everything should work fine now.

Meshes, uvs, textures, bones, weights. In order to have textures, also install and from my repo.

Also there are optional vertex colors. To enable them, change

Code: Select all

vertex_colors = 0

Code: Select all

vertex_colors = 1
in the beginning of the script and brace yourself for possible weirdness in the preview window. (Likewise, you can disable textures with textures = 0)

Demonslayerx8 wrote:I used GBALZSS to decompress the CMP files (worked for both games), altho u have to do it via command prompt
gbalzss_compressor_tool>gbalzss.exe d [filename.cmp] [newfilename.pak]

To decompress and unpack all the files in the folder and subfolders, you can create a batch file with

Code: Select all

for /R %%f in (.\*.cmp) do call gbalzss.exe d "%%f" "%%f.pak"
for /R %%f in (.\*.pak) do call "PathToNoesis\Noesis.exe" ?cmode "%%f" "%%f_files/"

Don't forget to drop gbalzss executable into the folder or specify the full path to it.