.stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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.stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

How to decode this files? It's text. Attached are encoded file and PC version of same file. I think that decoded PS3 file should look like PC file.
Thanks for help.
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by aluigi »

pc is json, ok.
In my opinion the ps3 file is not a binary json, rather a binary version of the file in which the fields are constants.
If it was a sort of "binary json" you should have been able to see the field names like "SlotClip" instead there you have a Guid followed by the values of the various fields in sequential order.
For example 315699129 (in pc) is 0x12d12fb9 which is available at offset 0x904 of ps3 in big endian.

Lame parsing example in quickbms, no file output obviously, just displayed info:

Code: Select all

debug 1

endian big

goto 0x10
get ENTRIES long
for i = 0 < ENTRIES
    get __class long
    get ENTRY_SIZE long
    get Id long
    get TrackId long
    get IsActive long
    get StartTime long
    get Duration long
    get Bpm float
    callfunction GET_NAME 1 Signature
    callfunction GET_NAME 1 Guid
next i

getdstring ZERO 12

get TapeClock long
get TapeBarCount long
get FreeResourcesAfterPlay long
callfunction GET_NAME 1 MapName

startfunction GET_NAME
    get NAMESZ long
    getdstring NAME NAMESZ
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

Could that file be edited then encoded to original state?

Edit: I'm trying to change audio. Here are files in audio folder (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DZvVK ... AITsNYEoTX)
I figure out to how to modify .wav.ckd. Now I somehow from other files edit duration of the song, beats per minute etc. I don't know in which files it is exactly.
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by aluigi »

You have to edit it by hand, that script simply tells you the content of the fields and their offsets.
The script seems to work with all the files you provided (except wav.ckd "RAKI" obviously)
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

All values seem to be same for all songs, even BPM. Either there is an issue or I'm misreading something.
I added more samples.

I edited songs, but because there are ambient sounds before songs start I need to change songs starting time. According to PC files it is stored in songname_musictrack.tpl.ckd. Using script I opened PS3 files but there isn't nothing that tells it.
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

So, in the end is there any way to edit PS3 files? So, I can exactly specify song start, end and bpm.
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by aluigi »

As you can imagine I can't make a custom script for every custom compiled ckd file, what I provided was just an example to show you that the data is stored in a certain way and it can be read and manually edited with some patience.

With a hex editor and the pc json files you should be able to find the necessary fields by hand, remember that bpm is float
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

This answered a lot of questions. But why are all values same for all song, although they can't be? Are all values constant float and if they are how to
translate real world numbers to those ones?
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by aluigi »

StartTime and Duration were ever different, while Bpm was ever 131 in the ckd files you provided (those with the same format of the script obviously).
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by Graveyard »

Have you tried the Child of Light swuforce script? If I'm not mistaken, the extension is the same.
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Re: .stape.ckd [Just Dancce 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

Only common extension is .ckd, while in Child of Light it is .isg.ckd in Just Dance it is .stape.ckd, .isc.ckd, .tpl.ckd. Just Dance PS3 files aren't compatible with that tool, but maybe others releases on other platforms may be compatible.