pcm to lame mp3 [Just Dance 2017 PS3]

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pcm to lame mp3 [Just Dance 2017 PS3]

Post by k33an »

I'm modding Just Dance 2017 on PS3. I need to convert new gen (WiiU) files to be compatible with old gen (PS3) files. URL of files:1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=11e4H8 ... wdQt3Ly4Ra (in rar file error is new gen file and cake by the ocean is edited file using method I tried below) 2. here is old gen file for reference (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f4M5B ... rdDXLHPfY1)

So here's what I did:
1. Using HEX Editor loaded error.wav.pcm deleted header until pcm and saved it as pcm.
2. Loaded it in Audacity as raw data. Change project rate to 44100 Hz because voice was too deep and sped it up a bit so it matched in game version (end should be 3:18).
3. Exported it as lame mp3 using corresponding dll.
4. Copy pasted header from old gen file until mp3 to newly exported file.
5. Tried it in game. As soon as songs is started it cuts to the end. Song isn't played at all.

If someone could help me I'd me immensely grateful.