ramyzahran wrote:GHOST DEAD
i have batmanAA startup_RUS & CommonGame_LOC_RUS .. i want to edit fonts_en.GFxMovieInfo as you did to import arabic [DroidSansArabicFont] .. how did you do it with hex .. please send me images explain this..
and bmfonts for INT not working with RUS..
and Texture2D HEADER for INT is NOT WORKING with RUS..
i will start over again with RUS MODDED files..
can you help me??!!
um... every Texture2D had Their Own ID and We have not just a one Texture2D
here is the list
Texture2D for Material
Texture2D for TFC, you can see it, tfc its just UTX witout Header, (not exactly what people thinging about it)
Texture2D as a ID (Not Sure But I saw in modified Engine's)
Texture2D as normal
and you can't just come and put a Texture2D to another UPK! game Will Crash for Missing ID!
and i just edit .font i hex for games that i cant add import font as UE3 font,
you have it? you mean UDK? UDK doesn't hamhjve a lot of option's from ":main Unreal Engine 3 and that is why it's Free
How To Create a Texture2D font In Unreal Engine or UDK (a incomplete version of UE3):
first of first, you must know that you don't need hex or photoshop for Create a Font
open Binaries\UnrealFrontend.exe and in opened Window, Click on Editor, and then, Unreal Editor Will run!
at Startup Page, go to
Content Browser Click On
New and Enter your UPK Name In
Package Field, as yoy can See, we don't want to mod a whole game. so let
Group be empty, and Set Your Font Name (Name of File in UPK, not for UPK),
Factory, set on Font, and Choose You Fort (Click on ChooseFont)
and you have many option's in Window (Under
Options), put all your Character's in
Chars (not Chars File Path or WildCard), But Always Switch On
Enable Legacy Mode and you must set
XPadding and
YPadding as 10
Click on ok! then in
Package Tree, right-Click on Your Package and Click On Save (Or Press Ctrl+S in Explorer)9.lo