I'm having some trouble finding out what format these images are being stored as, the file seems to contain a large amount of padding. I believe them to be DDS file in some capacity but I'm not certain. Does anyone know what type of files these may be or how they are being formatted. They were pulled from Unity asset bundles.
I'm now fairly certain they are DDS since you can see a similar type of padding in this DDS file.
Arimil wrote:They were pulled from Unity asset bundles.
can you upload the asset bundle this tex sample came from? if you open it with UnityEx it will tell you the format. there is a good chance it is having some mobile compression
Thanks Acewell, it seems they are compressed using ETCT_RGBA8. I should be able to
I was then able to open them in PVRTexTool using the wrap raw data option. So all that's left is to write a script for the PVRTexTool cli to convert all the images.
you can also just convert the image to something usable directly from the asset bundle with UnityEx, "Unity Studio" or "Unity Assets Bundle Extractor".
I've gotten the images I wanted, unfortunately I wasn't able to get batch processing working on any of those. Unity Assets Bundle Extractor would only extract cab files with its batchexport option. Unity Studio was not able to do image conversion from my tests and only output tex files and UnityEx when told to convert would output PVR files which requires the same tool anyway.