Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore (PS2) - TGS texture packs

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore (PS2) - TGS texture packs

Post by BloodRaynare »

I need help to convert the TGS texture packs into readable format, preferably tga or own PS2's tm2 because I wanted the alpha channels of those textures still intact.

Here's both samples, in palletized textures (8bpp) and the 32bpp ones


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Re: Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore (PS2) - TGS texture packs

Post by episoder »


the 32bit rgba are tiles you could raw haxor and puzzle yourself. 0x08 has the number of tiles. 0x14 the offset to the tile array. in the array you have the offsets to the tile headers. the tile headers are 128 bytes long (to skip). at 0x50 and 0x54 of the headers you have the width and height of the tiles. format obviously rgba with ps2 typical mid alpha (you could ignore). you could just remove the tgs header and tile headers and copy paste the 12 tiles (256x256) in raw rgb(a). alpha seems irrelevant.

will see what i can do with the other file. problem at hand is it's a multichunk file and gotta be deswizzled (i only got noesis for this). gotta dump a temporary format for noesis. the not so obvious problem is some tiles/textures have multiple palette iterations. gotta find where the counter to iterate is.

edit: if you wanna raw foo it, you could do it with console texture explorer.


the offsets are all there. you just need to skip ahead to the next palette iteration if the image tiles seem to be palette data. if you need this lil helper to detect multi-pals, you can raw it in irfan view with 32x2280 in 32bit mode. this is nuts to try to auto with a script. the pal headers have some numbers, but...

note: you can extract the alphas using the texture explorer's alpha mode.