.sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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.sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

so i found out some .sdf files out of what were basically Massive Entertainment's first games ever(see topic title for details).
anyway i was about to post the sample files needed to open this request thread with for about several months back then but for some reason i decided not to. now here they are:

in the meantime i found a bms script that covered a similar format like this but didn't actually work with those samples in the end. it's this script by the way.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

sdf reminds me the sdf + sdf.sdftoc archives used in some ubisoft games:
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

you mean recent ubisoft games.
although to be honest i never had the chance to compare these .sdf files i posted here as "samples" and the sdf.sdftoc/sdfdata files as used in Tom Clancy's The Division between each other.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

You should have toc files with the same basename, otherwise it means that the files you posted have an encrypted header at the beginning.
I see "RYS", one byte, sdf size and random data followed by all the files, which is a variant of the format used in WIC (as you correctly noticed), that random data may be the TOC. No idea about what may be the encryption
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

aluigi wrote:I see "RYS", one byte, sdf size and random data followed by all the files, which is a variant of the format used in WIC (as you correctly noticed), that random data may be the TOC. No idea about what may be the encryption
correct. it's all in these .sdf files, believe it or not. if i'm lucky i might even "find" the key used for encrypting these headers anyhow, though any hints of encryption as used in those games might be in the exe.

this is where the .sdf files were stored in Ground Control by the way
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by Ekey »

Download SDK: here. In Archive you can find WinSDF tool.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

In the meantime I have made a script for Ground Control Demo, so it doesn't work with the provided samples:

With some patience and the executable it's probably possible to support other games because one of the problems are the keys (half problem since they can be partially guessed) plus some differences in the format.
That's all for the moment.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

OK, i'll keep that saved. thanks for your help.
also, thanks for that one ekey!
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

GC2 uses the same format of WIC, the only difference is the compression algorithm: lzma instead of zlib.
The full folder names where stored very easily inside the TOC, I don't know why I didn't handle them in the script.
Script 0.2 with full support for GC2 and folders:

In gc.exe I found a different KEY1 and implemented it in the ground_consol_sdf.bms script but it's still not compatible with the samples you provided.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

aluigi wrote:it's still not compatible with the samples you provided.
maybe i can provide you my copy of gc.exe if you want, or maybe i can provide entirely new samples to go along with it too.

(although my attempt at finding at key was through the archives themselves - the result was 0x92c51ceb)
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

okay, let me just start over

right now it contains only the "DARKCONS" archives and gc.exe itself.
sorry for being a bit too lazy for this.

oh yeah, the key is basically the same as your exe:
if you need the full graph out of this, let me know
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

I rechecked everything and found the mistake, script 0.2 :D
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

huh, now it's fixed. thanks.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

okay so this is something i've been keeping to myself for a while now. for this one i tried to go for a "compartible" script by merging both ground_control_sdf.bms and world_in_conflict.bms while modding a few lines of code in between so the script doesn't spazz out when it finds an "uncompressed" file(GC1).
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

There are only 3 modifications in that script:
  • enabling the world_in_conflict.bms code with TYPE 9 and 10, I thought about the same but I don't know what's the minimum version from which this second version of the format starts, I guess it's 8 (7 is for sure mode 1 so...) but I don't have samples confirming that exact number and if version really depends by it
  • handling the compressed files from their first 2 bytes is very bad, checking TYPE is the correct way but I don't know what's the checked bit (7 is 3 bits), let me know if you have samples not covered by my script and I will check them trying to find the correct "TYPE & 0x?" if exists, in my samples 7 was for compressed files
  • why did you decide to ignore the INFO_INFO field provided by the format? it's not that useful but it's part of the format and worked perfectly with all my samples

For me it's ok to merge the 2 scripts once every doubt is solved.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

aluigi wrote:enabling the world_in_conflict.bms code with TYPE 9 and 10, I thought about the same but I don't know what's the minimum version from which this second version of the format starts, I guess it's 8 (7 is for sure mode 1 so...) but I don't have samples confirming that exact number and if version really depends by it
well i only have the Ground Control 2 demo at the moment and from what i saw the "second version" of this SDF format seems to start at 9 so...
aluigi wrote:handling the compressed files from their first 2 bytes is very bad, checking TYPE is the correct way but I don't know what's the checked bit (7 is 3 bits), let me know if you have samples not covered by my script and I will check them trying to find the correct "TYPE & 0x?" if exists, in my samples 7 was for compressed files
this was the only way i could think of so the script could check if this file is compressed using the zlib algorithm or not, come to think of it this might as well be the only way to make the script "decompress" the files on-the-fly if such compression exists. anyway i just delievered at least one sample archive file in which literally no compression algorithm is used. here.
aluigi wrote:why did you decide to ignore the INFO_INFO field provided by the format? it's not that useful but it's part of the format and worked perfectly with all my samples
uhh where is this "INFO_INFO" you just mentioned?
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

So, apparently, there is no field in the format telling if one or all the stored files are compressed or not, the only thing I noticed is that here the original TYPE field is 0x07 while in other compressed samples the 0xc0 KEY3-mask was set (for example 0xc7).
In the new WIC format the compressed files are identified by 2 high bits in the ZSIZE field, this solution is not used in the old format.
I would like to avoid to use work-arounds, maybe I will return on the game to confirm if KEY3 has any meaning in identifying compressed files.

My typo about INFO_INFO, I meant INFO_OFF.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

aluigi wrote:My typo about INFO_INFO, I meant INFO_OFF.
oh yeah, for GC2 and beyond i kinda used it like this

Code: Select all

for i = 0 < FILES
   savepos TMP2 MEMORY_FILE
   get SIZE long MEMORY_FILE
   get NAME string MEMORY_FILE
   get PATH string MEMORY_FILE
   string NAME p "%s/%s" PATH NAME
   callfunction DUMPFILE 1
next i
as far as i'm aware though, i don't really remember ignoring any "crucial" variable.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by aluigi »

Ah gotcha, yeah that has sense because the array part is not necessary if the commented code (the one of "# useless, full paths are already available") remains commented :)

Now we have only to solve the mistery of the compressed files in the old format.
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Re: .sdf files(Ground Control, Ground Control Dark Conspiracy, Ground Control II)

Post by AnonBaiter »

oh, that...
in case you want (or need) another sample i already have it delivered. here it is.