Help Request - .swif file format

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Help Request - .swif file format

Post by HSPuppets »

Requesting assistance with translating .swif files into readable data and back.
Game it's known to be used in: Puyo Puyo Tetris
Contained in the attachment:
cut_2p_t_sat_002.swif - file example, seems to control asset pulling.
cut_2p_t_sat_003.tppk - image archive which the .swif pulls assets from.
What it seems to be: Script for handling pulling assets to render in-game animations.
While I've been able to modify the data using a hex editor, it's been a long tough process of pure guessing.
Help would greatly be appreciated!

EDIT: Please delete this if possible. I am currently unable to follow through with my offer and from what I've learned, this pertains more to scripts rather than graphic file formats.