Help to compile a .go source code

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Help to compile a .go source code

Post by Mirakichi »

Hi guys, someone can compile for me a source code in Go language to run in the Windows 7 x86 architecture?
I've read the documentation, but I could not to generate the .exe.
This is the source code:

package main
import (
func copyFileToWriter ( filePath string , w io . Writer) ( int64 , error ) {
f, err := os. Open (filePath)
if err != nil {
return 0 , fmt. Errorf( "Cannot open file ' %s ': %v " , filePath, err)
defer f. Close ()
return io. Copy (w, f)
func main () {
var inPath, outDir string
flag. StringVar (&inPath, "i" , "" , "Path to files folder" )
flag. StringVar (&outDir, "o" , "" , "Output directory" )
flag. Parse()
var err error
if inPath == "" {
log. Fatal ( "Provide path to folder with files. Use --help if you stuck." )
files, err := ioutil. ReadDir(inPath)
if err != nil {
log. Fatalf ( "Cannot read dir ' %s ': %v " , inPath, err)
log. Println( "Starting saving to catalog " , outDir)
log. Println( "This can take a lot of time. Please be patient..." )
outToc, err := os. Create(filepath. Join (outDir, toc. GetTocFileName()))
if err != nil {
log. Fatalf ( "Cannot create file ' %s ' in dir ' %s ': %v " , toc. GetTocFileName(), outDir, err)
outPack, err := os. Create (filepath. Join (outDir, toc. GenPartFileName ( 0 )))
if err != nil {
log. Fatalf ( "Cannot create file ' %s ' in dir ' %s ': %v " , toc. GenPartFileName ( 0 ), outDir, err)
defer func () {
outPack. Close ()
outToc. Close()
var offset int64
for _, file := range files {
if file. IsDir () {
n, err := copyFileToWriter (filepath. Join (inPath, file. Name ()), outPack)
if err != nil {
log. Printf( "Error when copying ' %s ': %v " , file. Name (), err)
offset += n
if offset%utils.SECTOR_SIZE != 0 {
// pad to cd sector size
offset, err = outPack. Seek (utils.SECTOR_SIZE-(offset%utils.SECTOR_SIZE), os.SEEK_CUR)
if err != nil {
log. Fatalf ( "Error when seeking: %v " , err)
outToc. Write(toc. MarshalTocEntry (&toc.Entry{
Name: file. Name (),
Size: file. Size (),
Enc: toc.FileEncounter{
Pack: 0 ,
Start: offset,
log. Printf ( "Packed ' %s '" , file. Name ())
log. Println( "Packing completed!" )