Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

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Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knows something about Quazal software rendez-vous and Net-Z? Like how does it work. How are the packets made? etc...

I tried googling it but couldnt find anything except that it is now taken over by ubisoft.

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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by aluigi »

I have a couple of quickbms scripts about "quazal", maybe they are useful:
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

Amazing, thank you. I will try it. Do you happen to know something about the internals of quazal? Like do they use serialization or strings or just plain bytes
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

Hmmm neither of your scripts appear to work. I have attached the packet in case you which to look at it. And the log entry when you respond with a random packet in case you wish to see it:

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Out Buffer = 0x0,0 In Buffer = 0x0,0

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] ** sending connection message to - timeout in 59990

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Job JobConnectEndPoint

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] State Suspended

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Execution count: 0

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Current step: JobConnectEndPoint::ProcessConnectionResult (step execution count = 8)

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Job current endpoint state: Connecting PeerDisconnected

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Job current endpoint URL = prudp:/address=;port=10264;stream=3;sid=1;type=2

2018-01-27 16:09:16.082 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Current URL = prudp:/address=;port=10264;stream=3;sid=1;type=2

2018-01-27 16:09:16.083 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Job URLs:

2018-01-27 16:09:16.083 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] prudp:/address=;port=10264;sid=1;stream=3;type=2 public

2018-01-27 16:09:16.083 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] Job URLs to try:

2018-01-27 16:09:16.083 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] prudp:/address=;port=10264;stream=3;sid=1;type=2 public

2018-01-27 16:09:16.447 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] PRUDPEndPoint - RTO is now 250, NbRetransmit is 2 for packet id 0 address

2018-01-27 16:09:16.454 INFO GAME_STATE => # cUniverseManager::Update (265) - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END LOADING WORLD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2018-01-27 16:09:17.087 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] PRUDPEndPoint - RTO is now 250, NbRetransmit is 3 for packet id 0 address

2018-01-27 16:09:18.034 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] PRUDPEndPoint - RTO is now 250, NbRetransmit is 4 for packet id 0 address

2018-01-27 16:09:19.290 INFO NETWORK [NetZ] PRUDPEndPoint - RTO is now 250, NbRetransmit is 5 for packet id 0 address
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by aluigi »

Unfortunately I can't help you further.
Maybe that game uses a different key, don't know.
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

Sadly, but thanks for the help :)
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

I just came across this: https://github.com/Kinnay/NintendoClients it uses the prudp protocol, like quazal. So I wanted to ask your opinion about it. Could it help with understanding the quazal rendez vous protocol?
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Re: Quazal Rendev-Vouz and Quazal Net-Z

Post by lifecoder »

Nintendo uses quazal too, for everything it seems. Very interesting