QuickBMS 0.8.3

News about new versions of QuickBMS
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QuickBMS 0.8.3

Post by aluigi »


  • math rol/ror for 8/16 bits
  • few file number assignment fixes in cmd.c
  • prs_8ing_compress
  • now file numbers can be variables too
  • fixed bug introduced in 0.8.2 in OpenSSL rc4 (probably still affecting openssl 1.1)
  • better visualization of -B with small files
  • automatic filename if Slog uses empty name
  • fix for mydownlib with openssl 1.1
  • the invalid Idstring VAR FILENUM is no longer supported

This version has been released mainly to fix a couple of small bugs, I had the chance also to implement that feature of filenumbers as variable which is quite useful.

As usual, if you spot a bug or have suggestions, feel free to post here: