.wvb (Metal Arms: Glitch in the System)

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.wvb (Metal Arms: Glitch in the System)

Post by IMightNeverComeBack »

I've previously made a similar post a few months ago, but this kind of file is MUCH simpler. I can definitely see things like the sample rate (22050), but even with the info, I couldn't get good results when I tried adding in the RIFF header and stuff.

Can someone please write a script that adds in the header with the correct info? These files usually contain more than one sound file inside (I don't know if the game has a WVB file with only one sound in it, but it probably does), but I don't care if the script will produce one whole sound file. As long as the sound is clear, I'm satisfied.

mg_02.wvb: https://mega.nz/#!aNIyUA6D!8WJqivfz3kADeIiaHsZd2ScKJsRivJxghafjTpwQYDk (First line is "Bring it on, Droid!")

mg_03.wvb: https://mega.nz/#!TcZlRSKB!6Bnaoc4FN0i6ZKZ9K9cY5-96-cEiFCDuagDTUF3ZyMg (Couldn't tell what the first lines were, but I know that the last two lines are "What are you shooting at? I'm over here!" and "Oh you know these little ones go down too easy. Oh well.")

EDIT: I forgot to mention that vgmtoolbox could not help with this problem. I thought WVS and WVB were the same thing, but I guess not.

EDIT2: I managed to get mg_02.wvb working, but not mg_03.wvb.