Prompt confirmation in exestringz.

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Prompt confirmation in exestringz.

Post by raulpuro »

I'm trying to insert 3000 lines of modified text with exestringz, I'm using binary insert mode

exestringz -b 2 name.dat name.txt

It works correctly but every time the application inserts a line it asks for a confirmation, "do you want to overwrite this specific string (and / N)?", I have to write 3000 times "s"? Is there an option to skip the confirmation or always accept?

I created a bach
echo and | exestringz -b 2 name.dat name.txt
But it does not work correctly, it seems that the lines advance, but it does not write anything in the file.

Greetings and happy holidays.
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Re: Prompt confirmation in exestringz.

Post by aluigi »

You get that message because you are using the -b mode and your new string is longer than the original, which means that you are doing a huge mess and your stuff will not work.
So, no, the tool is doing the correct job and you should NEVER answer 'y' except if you perfectly know what are you doing.
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Re: Prompt confirmation in exestringz.

Post by raulpuro »

aluigi wrote:You get that message because you are using the -b mode and your new string is longer than the original, which means that you are doing a huge mess and your stuff will not work.
So, no, the tool is doing the correct job and you should NEVER answer 'y' except if you perfectly know what are you doing.

Yes, the application works correctly and the warning can avoid disasters, but in this case the size of the texts is not important, they are very separated.

All the lines are longer and I have to put 'y' 3000 times, for this translation, for me it would be very useful to remove that option or add the option "always yes / always not"

I suppose it is necessary to modify or comment the lines 605 ... 618 of the exestringz.c file, I have not managed to build the code, I get an error in the asmserv.o file, which does not exist?

"make.exe [2]: *** [build / Debug / MinGW-Windows / asmserv.o] Error 1
make.exe [2]: Leaving directory `/ c / Users / Raul / Documents / NetBeansProjects / exestringz '
make.exe [1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make.exe [1]: Leaving directory `/ c / Users / Raul / Documents / NetBeansProjects / exestringz '
make.exe ": *** [.build-impl] Error 2

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 6s) "

Or create a bach file that always writes 'y', unfortunately I do not have much programming knowledge.


Well, I've finally managed to compile the project, it's a shame but I have not managed it with netbeans, I do not understand the reason, but I've done it with an ide called Dev-C ++.

I deleted the lines that I mentioned in the previous post and it works, it is not the best solution but in this case for me it is useful.

Greetings and apologize for the inconvenience.