I,m really noob with scripting ._. ! OK i have achive to extract the .obb of the game Chaos Rings 3, i wanted to modify a sound that annoy me BIG TIME in the game and i think i have found a file : se.csv (sound effect ?) with all the volume .. so i have change some stuff but when i try to add back the file it always say : 0 file 0%
<- picture of the file
i have read some stuff.. but not basically i have 0 idea what to do to put the file in the .obb..
You didn't specify what script you used, the name of the script in the image is not one of mine.
Anyway you used it correctly, so the problem may be the script not supporting reimport mode (I doubt because you should see something anyway) or the output folder is empty and so it finds nothing there.