Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Post by pepodmc »

Hello everyone :mrgreen:

With this script for Bloody Roar 3 (Playstation 2 -- Quick bms):

    <bms games="'Bloody Roar 3'" platforms="'PS2'" ext="DAT">
    open FDDE TBL 0
    open FDDE DAT 1
    ImpType Standard ;
    Set D Long 2 ;
    GoTo D 0 ;
    Get C Int 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    SavePos D 0 ;
    Set JF Long 16 ;
    GoTo JF 0 ;
    Get JF Long 0 ;
    GoTo D 0 ;
    For T = 1 To C ;
    SavePos FOO 0 ;
    Get FO Long 0 ;
    SavePos D 0 ;
    SavePos CSO 0 ;
    Get CS Long 0 ;
    Get D Long 0 ;
    SavePos D 0 ;
    GoTo JF 0 ;
    Get FN String 0 ;
    SavePos JF 0 ;
    GoTo D 0 ;
    Log FN FO CS 1 ;
    Next T ;

I could extract the files from Bloody Roar 3 DAT. And using the Hex Editor "Windhex" I did a spanish translation of the game, because Bloody Roar 3 doesn't have a spanish version (only English and Japanese)

BUT this script is useless if you want/need to Reimport the files again, because when you try to do that with Quick BMS using that script, 0% files are reimported into the DAT file.
And I don't know anything about making a script for QuickBMS. :|

Or perhaps i'm doing something wrong with this script...

Can someone help me with that? (Reimport "BR3" files with Quickbms) :cry: Because it's a pity that I did the translation but i couldn't reimport the files. :roll:

I read this on the FAQ:
"Sometimes the game accepts the new content outside the archives (maybe with a command-line option) while other times it's necessary to "repack" the content in a new archive"

Perhaps this can be an option too (But again , if it's possible, I don't know how to do that) :|


Thanks for your help :)
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Re: Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Post by aluigi »

Tested here and works perfectly.
It looks like you have used the reimport feature in the wrong way.

Read section 3 of quickbms.txt

In short:
You must NOT select the extracted files.
You must select the SAME script/archive/folder you selected for the extraction (do the same things), quickbms will automatically do the rest.

Suggestion (although not useful in this particular case because no compression is used):
In the folder keep only the files you have modified before reimporting them.
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Re: Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Post by pepodmc »

aluigi wrote:Tested here and works perfectly.
It looks like you have used the reimport feature in the wrong way.

Read section 3 of quickbms.txt

In short:
You must NOT select the extracted files.
You must select the SAME script/archive/folder you selected for the extraction (do the same things), quickbms will automatically do the rest.

Suggestion (although not useful in this particular case because no compression is used):
In the folder keep only the files you have modified before reimporting them.

Can you do a step by step (baby steps :) ) explanation with my files? because I can't , 0% files reimported again :lol:

The dat (unmodified) and the modified files must be in the same folder?

You must NOT select the extracted files? this is what I don't understand...

First "reimport.bat" request the script...

And then in the next two steps? I dont know in which order I must selct the files in reimport.bat

Because , I select first the script, then the TBL of the dat, and then the folder where are all the archives (DAT, TBL and the modified files) and then, 0% files reimported...
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Re: Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Post by aluigi »

It's impossible to make it simpler.

From command-line I mean something like the following:

Code: Select all

quickbms       c:\ c:\file.dat c:\output_folder

*edit the files in c:\output_folder*

quickbms -r -w c:\ c:\file.dat c:\output_folder
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Re: Bloody Roar 3 Reimport files (DAT)

Post by pepodmc »

aluigi wrote:It's impossible to make it simpler.

From command-line I mean something like the following:

Code: Select all

quickbms       c:\ c:\file.dat c:\output_folder

*edit the files in c:\output_folder*

quickbms -r -w c:\ c:\file.dat c:\output_folder

It work with Quick BMS editor GUI V2.0 thanks :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D