Help with biar7 QBMS script (.pak file version for Xbox 360)

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Help with biar7 QBMS script (.pak file version for Xbox 360)

Post by Graveyard »

Hello aluigi and zenhaxers boys :D , you could take a look at the biar7 script (, I'm trying to extract the .pak file from the Deep Black version of Xbox 360, and I get the message below.


I tested the script and it worked perfectly in the PC version file.

I am attaching the file for easy analysis. ... lobal.pack

Thanks for the attention.

If I'm doing something wrong, forgive my ignorance.
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Re: Help with biar7 QBMS script (.pak file version for Xbox 360)

Post by Acewell »

sample looks like big-endian, this slight modification to the script will get you on your way :)

Code: Select all

# script for QuickBMS

getdstring ID 8
if ID == "UWFPVF01"
    endian little
elif ID == "PFWU10FV"
    endian big
    print "Wrong file signature! Shutting down now."
get EXTS long
get DUMMY long
get FILES long
get BASE_OFF long
for i = 0 < EXTS
    getdstring EXT 4
    get XOFFSET long
    get XFILES long
    savepos TMP
    math OFFSET *= 0x28
    math OFFSET += BASE_OFF
    goto OFFSET
    for j = 0 < XFILES
        getdstring NAME 0x20
        get OFFSET long
        get SIZE long
        string NAME += "."
        string NAME += EXT
        string NAME R= "_" "/"
        log NAME OFFSET SIZE
    next j
    goto TMP
next i

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Re: Help with biar7 QBMS script (.pak file version for Xbox 360)

Post by aluigi »

Script 0.2.1
Posts: 54
Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:30 pm

Re: Help with biar7 QBMS script (.pak file version for Xbox 360)

Post by Graveyard »

thank you Acewell and aluigi.