At the end of the archive, at 0x00008420, you can find the directory, containing 4 entries:
"MINE000\0", Index 2
"GMINE000", Index 3
"MINE001\0", Index 0
"GMINE001", Index 1
Each of these inner files contains more than one single image, and other kind of data, like a list of terrains (index + name)
I don't know if you need all these data, so I will just show you how to decode pixels data.
At 0x00000434 (like you said), starts pixels data for the first image, and you can find 56 descriptors, one for each scan line of the image. After the descriptors, you will find a single byte with value = 0xCD, possibly used at End of Image as a check.
The structure of a line is:
Record Line
long lineDataLength
byte[lineDataLength - 4] lineData
If lineDataLength is greater than 8, you need to read pixels by repeating LinePixels records until all lineDataLength bytes are consumed
Record LinePixels
short length
short behavior
if (behavior == 0x0002)
byte[length] PixelsData
An example could be handy:
08 00 00 00
lineDataLength = 0x00000008
so we read a LinePixels record:
36 00 01 00
length = 54 (the whole line for this image size)
behaviour = 0x0001 (transparent pixels)
Another example, this time with several chunks of data for a single line:
Code: Select all
36 00 00 00 09 00 01 00 0C 00 02 00 DD 6F 8A ED 47 6C F7 57 34 5D ED 63
09 00 01 00 09 00 02 00 DD 5D 5D 6F B0 2F 61 37 39
01 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 DD 0D 00 01 00
lineDataLength = 54 (0x00000036)
read a chunk:
length = 9
behavior = 0x0001
so we add 9 transparent pixels and read the next chunk
length = 12
behavior = 0x0002
so we read 12 bytes, and write them to the output image, then read next chunk
length = 9
behavior = 0x0001
so we add another 9 transparent pixels and read the next chunk
length = 9
behavior = 0x0002
so we read 9 bytes, and write them to the output image, then read next chunk
length = 1
behavior = 0x0001
so we add another 1 transparent pixel and read the next chunk
length = 1
behavior = 0x0002
so we read 2 bytes, and write them to the output image, then read next chunk
length = 13
behavior = 0x0001
so we add another 13 transparent pixels and the line is completed, as we have read all the specified 54 bytes and the pixels count for this line is already the max
Some pseudo-code written here on the fly, not tested and not including errors check:
Code: Select all
int32 length = Data.ReadInt32(); // Including this field
int bytesRead = 4;
while (bytesRead < length)
int16 amount = Data.ReadInt16();
bytesRead += 2;
int16 behavior = Data.ReadInt16();
bytesRead += 2;
if (behavior == 0x0001)
ImageOut.Write(amount, 0x00); // Put "amount" of transparent pixels
elseif (behavior == 0x0002)
byte[] pixels = Data.ReadBytes(amount); // Read "amount" of bytes, as indices in the palette
bytesRead += amount;
// Unsupported or Corrupted data; break program