unity fnt A little found

How to translate the files of a game
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unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

Not you can not find him; he can be any type * .7 *. 144*.-44~~~~~~~~, and so on
So you need to look for a possible, he between 3 KB - 10 KB is limited to the size of the ASCII code, if Asia may be large
Parse the data

Fnt The XML data

Code: Select all

id="33" x="2034" y="626" width="6" height="21" xoffset="1" yoffset="5" xadvance="8" page="0" chnl="15" 

bmfont Binary data (length of 20)*(page= truncation)

Code: Select all

21 00 00 00/F2 07 72 02 /06  00 15 00/01 00 05 00/08 00 00 0F
ID=21 00 00 00/X=F2 07/Y=72 02/W=06 00/H=15 00/ xoffset=01/ yoffset=05 00/ xadvance=08 00/ chnl=00 15

How to calculate the column

Code: Select all


Type 2

ID is an integer

The remainder is a floating number

Game fnt file(length of 32)(chnl=truncation)

Code: Select all

21 00 00 00 /00 00 B7 43 /00 80 BE 43 /00 00 7A 41 /00 A0 63 42 /00 00 22 40/00 C0 63 42 /00 80 9B 41

Code: Select all


May not be very correct but would like to help other people
Last edited by nmdpkvs on Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:42 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

Here said that a new type of computing

Game fnt file(length of 36)(xadvance=truncation)

Code: Select all

34 00 00 00/00 C0 2F 44/00 80 EC 43/00 80 61 42/00 A0 91 42/00 00 54 40/00 A0 91 42 /00 80 7C 42/00 00 80 3F/

ID=34 00 00 00/X=00 C0 2F 44/Y=00 80 EC 43/W=00 80 61 42/H=00 A0 91 42/page=00 00 54 40 /xoffset=00 A0 91 42/yoffset=00 80 7C 42/chnl=00 00 80 3F

Calculate Please use the floating point

Code: Select all

Last edited by nmdpkvs on Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by aluigi »

Please don't use colors in the posts.
You can use the \[code\] tag for some parts of code like I did with your posts, I think they look better now.
Maybe upload also the fnt file you are analyzing so the other users can understand what you mean and your values.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

aluigi wrote:Please don't use colors in the posts.
You can use the \[code\] tag for some parts of code like I did with your posts, I think they look better now.
Maybe upload also the fnt file you are analyzing so the other users can understand what you mean and your values.

I'm sorry
However, in many Unity new games they are used to represent the floating point
In addition to id is an integer, the other is a floating point
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

Will be updated regularly
Last edited by nmdpkvs on Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

aluigi wrote:Please don't use colors in the posts.
You can use the \[code\] tag for some parts of code like I did with your posts, I think they look better now.
Maybe upload also the fnt file you are analyzing so the other users can understand what you mean and your values.

I don't know how to show the picture directly.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

I have a lot of data to write wrong too much
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by aluigi »

It's easy to add images, both linked (with the img bbcode) and attached.
Do what's more easy and better for you. It's ok for me :)
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by nmdpkvs »

aluigi wrote:It's easy to add images, both linked (with the img bbcode) and attached.
Do what's more easy and better for you. It's ok for me :)

I want to make some comments to the forum,to improve some of the function.

First of all, we can just use the word document paste conversion.
Second, automatic typesetting.
Third,use the insert picture.
Because I think it is better for me to do some tutorials.Some of the tutorials require a lot of pictures to understand.I can’t explain all of these in a few words.
In my home town THE BBS can do so, and it’s really convenient.
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Re: unity fnt A little found

Post by aluigi »

This is a standard phpbb forum.
Probably it's better if you complete the job, upload it on a website and then link it here.