PS3 (.XVAG) 4 channel problem!!!

Codecs, formats, encoding/decoding of game audio, video and music
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Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:23 pm

PS3 (.XVAG) 4 channel problem!!!

Post by Carro2000 »

Hello to everyone, today I have a strange problem. While I converted some sound tracks from .xvag to .wave format with VGMStream, I found myself with a 4-channel file. Also during playback (not really perfect, because there is a really annoying white background noise level, especially if it is trying to raise the volume in addition also some click and pop), once the track finishes, it rains again, and I noticed the track lasted twice as much as it should be (if it lasted 3 minutes, it now lasts 6, playing it twice a time). I hope someone else besides me has come across my own problem and has managed to find a solution so he can possible help me. Greets!

I attach below the links of an original/converted sample in question.

Original:!drwQTLyY!hXyxTaCBteCy ... jbeybGsd5o
Converted:!BipVSRRK!ib7AZoXxLQLX ... oMJgEzpQTE
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Re: PS3 (.XVAG) 4 channel problem!!!

Post by Kanas6950 »

where are the files
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:11 pm

Re: PS3 (.XVAG) 4 channel problem!!!

Post by bxaimc »

What version of vgmstream are you using?
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:23 pm

Re: PS3 (.XVAG) 4 channel problem!!!

Post by Carro2000 »

I'm really sorry guys for my long delay, being that it was months since your response, I managed to find more support on the other site briefly, and returning to this site only today to find and update some of my previous requests, I noticed that I had to update this too. I thank you in every way for your kind support and I will try to be as attentive as possible next time. Thank you guys!
