Now i'm trying to verify it. The game's using a 160bit SHA hash to verify data integrity. When i try to hash the memory file containing the data with QuickBMS, i don't get the correct hash though.
This is basically my test script to check the hash QuickBMS produces.
Code: Select all
log MEMORY_FILE3 0 0x40
Encryption sha1 MEMORY_FILE3
print "SHA-1 hash: %QUICKBMS_HEXHASH%"
I'm trying to attach a small (40 byte) file, but the forums won't let me and always says "extension not allowed". I tried .bin, .txt, .bmp, .dat, .jpg....
Anyway, with the script above i'm geting a different hash than with every other program (i tried 3, they gave identical hashes). Am I doing something wrong?