There is this game "Home" for the PlayStation 3. They use ".sharc" format to compress their object archives.
In the past they used ".bar", which we were able to modify using offzip/packzip. However since they changed to sharc offzip will no longer unzip the needed files.
3 files are attached. One is the original bar file. The other file is the same file after they changed it into sharc.
The last file is a xml extracted from the original bar using offzip (offzip.exe -a -z -15). This xml is the file which allows us to perform the mods. In the past we would just edit the xml then packzip it into the bar. However packziping it into the sharc makes the file corrupt.
So what we need is the ability to:
- Either being able to edit/extract the sharc archives
- OR inject the xml successfully into the sharc archive
- OR being able to use the old bar files again (I'm not sure how Home is checking the files but it won't load the old bar files anymore. Perhaps it's possible by editing the headers within the old bar file somehow).
The bar files will always start with header:
Code: Select all
E1 17 EF AD 00 00 00 01 áï
while the sharc files always start with
Code: Select all
AD EF 17 E1 02 ïá
So the sharc header seems to be the exact opposite of the bar one.
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.