Do you know a tool, link or website for working on a specific game files or to help game research? Let's collect them here!
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:24 am

Post by Skykila »
Homepage of greatest unreal engine resource exporter UE Viewer (previously known as Umodel)

Feature Highlights:
-Loading packages from more than 100 games based on all Unreal engine generations
-Visualization of skeletal meshes with animations
-Visualization of internal skeletal mesh information like skeleton hierarchy and binding vertices to the skeleton bones
-Visualizarion of vertex meshes
-Visualization of static meshes
-Viewing supported material types and their internal structure
-Export of skeletal, vertex and static meshes and animations into formats supported by 3d modeling software and by Unreal engine
-Export textures into tga or dds format
-Export sounds, ScaleForm and FaceFX