Ratchet & Clank: into the Nexus texture data

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Ratchet & Clank: into the Nexus texture data

Post by raykingnihong »

Ratchet & Clank: into the Nexus texture data . Here is a sample file https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6 ... =file%2c7z , And thank you very much o0DemonBoy0o work, here is the information provided by the o0DemonBoy0o:

I did some messing around and thought I would share what I found out about the textures.

The levels shaders.dat looks to have the names of all the textures found in that levels textures.dat and highmips.dat with each set of textures having their own section separated with "IGHW".

After the first set of padding, which looks like it is always "PAD0PAD1PAD2PAD3" Is a set of 8 bytes for each texture listed in that section.
I found out that you can take those first 4 bytes and search for them in the assetlookup.dat and there are always 2 results.
I think those last 4 bits are the texture type

00 00 55 80 = DXT1
00 00 AB 00 = DXT5
00 55 55 80 = PVRTC 8888
00 2A AB 00 = PVRTC 88

The first result in the assetlookup.dat is for the textures.dat and the second is for the highmips.dat

The 4 bytes after the search in the assetlookup.dat is the start of that texture data and the 4 bytes after that is the size.

that last thing I found out is that in every *.irb is a section of text that looks something like this

You can those 16 numbers/letters after every "built/tuids/XXX/" and search for it as hex in the shaders.dat and it will take you to the textures it is referencing, although there are a couple times where the textures are not always found.

Maybe someone can use this information to make some kind of extractor.

Can be Extracting textures by quickbms script file
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:51 am

Re: Ratchet & Clank: into the Nexus texture data

Post by cra0 »

I did some research on this a while back let me see if I can dig up that info